Reading from “What the Neighbors Know”
On April 2, local poet Melanie McCabe read selections from her second book at the Westover Branch Library.
“What the Neighbors Know” traces the disintegration of a marriage and the loss of a house lived in for decades. The poems explore not only the end of a relationship, but also the deep and personal attachment that people form with the home they live in.
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Melanie McCabe is a high school English and creative writing teacher in Arlington. “What the Neighbors Know” is her second book. Her first book, “History of the Body,” was published in 2012.
Her work has appeared on Poetry Daily, as well as in Best New Poets 2010, The Georgia Review, The Massachusetts Review, The Cincinnati Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Shenandoah and numerous other journals. She was a finalist for the 2012 Shenandoah Graybeal-Gowan Award, and previously, for the Wabash Poetry Prize, the Pablo Neruda Prize, the May Swenson Award and the Philip Levine Prize.
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