Arlington Poet and Teacher
McCabe reads from her book, History of the Body, at the Shirlington Branch Library.
Recorded October 15, 2012.
Click here to view the embedded video.
About the Author
Melanie McCabe is a high school English and creative writing teacher in Arlington, Virginia. Her work has appeared on Poetry Daily, as well as in BEST NEW POETS 2010, The Georgia Review, The Massachusetts Review, The Cincinnati Review, Bellingham Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Shenandoah and numerous other journals.
Her work also appears in the latest editions of Bedford- St. Martins’ Poetry: An Introduction and The Bedford Introduction to Literature: Reading, Thinking, Writing.
She won second prize in Literal Latte’s 2009 poetry contest and was a finalist for the 2010-2011 Mid-American Review poetry contest, the 2010 Wabash Poetry Prize, the Pablo Neruda Prize, the May Swenson Award and the Walt McDonald First-Book Prize.
She has been accepted to residencies at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts and the Vermont Studio Center.
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